15 March 2007

Happy Birthday to Mike!

It's Mike's birthday today! We celebrated it last weekend, since weeknights are crazy for us. Good thing too, because today he is feeling sick with the stomach bug the kids have had in the past few days..... Our little petri dish Caleb is usually the source of most of the aliments in our house, but this one seems to have originated with Madeline.

So, with that said, you can guess that not much has been happening at our house this week. Kids not feeling good, work as usual, and that's pretty much it. Last night was girls' night at my friend Carrie's, and I'm happy because I figured out how to make baked low-fat Jalapeno poppers that are comparable to the full-fat ones! (It's the little things...)


1 comment:

Anna said...

Tell Mike HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us and that we hope he feels lots better soon.