16 March 2007

Out of the mouths....

Funny story - a few days ago we were driving in the car and out of the blue Maddie says to me: "Mommy, what's a masturbater?" I, of course, very nearly crashed the car with shock and alarm. After making her repeat herself a few times, I established that was indeed the word she was trying to say. So, naturally, I asked her where she had heard such a thing. She said it was from one of the Veggie Tales songs. Now, for those of you not in the know, Veggie Tales is Christan based kids movies and TV shows - not a likely candidate to teach my daughter such a word. So we listened to the song she was talking about, and it turns out they were saying "mashed potaters." (FYI, for you parents out there, it's in the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything song.) Nice. So I dodget a bullet there - lucky I figured it out before I had to come up some explanation for the word she thought she heard.

Other news at our house - nothing! Caleb has an ear infection. One of his tubes is working it's way out, so I'm guessing we'll be getting the third set before long. Big weekend plans for us are relaxing and doing some grocery shopping. We'll meet some friends for an early kid-friendly dinner tomorrow, and that'll be about it.

So happy it's Friday!


Anna said...

HAHA... I love funny kid stories. Poor Caleb. I hoep he feels better soon. Have a fun relaxing weekend.

Anna said...

HAHA... I love funny kid stories. Poor Caleb. I hoep he feels better soon. Have a fun relaxing weekend.